Firewood Logs
Firewood Logs for delivery or collection
Settle Coal Company provides logs suitable for any fire, even if you live in a smokeless zone. We supply hardwood logs and kiln dried logs along with netted bags of kindling and hot burning Hotties. You can collect your logs from our depot in Settle or we offer a delivery service across parts of North Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria. To check if we deliver to your area, call us on 01729 822 534.

Seasoned Hardwood Logs
When burnt, Seasoned Hardwood Logs produce a consistent and steady warmth and the unmistakable aroma of a log fire. They can be used on their own or alongside other fuels, depending on your appliance, for even greater performance.
We take great care to ensure that these seasoned logs are sourced from sustainable woodlands and well managed forests.
Kiln Dried Logs
When it comes to wood fuel, Kiln Dried Logs are the finest that money can buy. Extremely dry, with moisture content of less than 20%, Kiln Dried Logs burn hotter and for longer than any other type of log fuel.